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Types of Headaches & Migraines

Medical Point Of View

for Headaches

A number of medications can help treat and prevent migraines and tension headaches. Most tension headaches can be helped by taking pain relievers such as aspirin, Aleve, Tylenol, or Advil. But be careful! Taking too many of these easy-to-buy pills is a major cause of new, more-difficult-to-treat headaches called rebound or pain reliever-induced headaches. If you need to take these drugs often, see your health care provider. Do not use aspirin in anyone under the age of 19 since it may increase the risk for Reye's Syndrome.

A class of drugs known as triptans have become the mainstay of migraine treatment. These drugs include naratriptan (Amerge), sumatriptan (Imitrex, Zecuity), rizatriptan (Maxalt), zolmitriptan (Zomig), and others. These drugs come in several forms, including pills, injections, and skin patches.

Wholistic Point Of View

Headaches come in a number of forms, differentiated by their causes and specific symptoms. The appropriate treatment depends on the type of headache. The table below lists some of the more common types of headaches and possible treatments for them.

Headaches Types & Migraines

Arthritis headache
Pain at the back of the head or neck, made worse by movement; inflammation of joints and shoulder and/or neck muscles.

Causes: Unknown.

Take FEVERFEW supplements.
Do not use feverfew during pregnancy.

Our Suggestion


Bilious headache
Dull pain in forehead and throbbing temples.

Indigestion; overeating; lack of exercise.


(Tiao He Cleanse) may be helpful.

Our Suggestion

Tiao He Cleanse


Cluster headache
Severe, throbbing pain on one side of the head, flushing of the face, tearing of eyes, nasal congestion, occurring 1-3 times a day, over a period of weeks or months and lasting from a few minutes to several hours each time.

Causes: Stress, alcohol, smoking.

Treatment: Take supplemental L-tyrosine, DL-phenylalanine, L-glutamine, quercetin.
Do not take L-tyrosine if you are taking an MAO inhibitor drug.
Do not take phenylalanine if you are pregnant or suffer from panic attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, or phenylketonuria (PKU).


Ginkgo Biloba


Caffeine headache

Throbbing pain caused by blood vessels that have dilated.
Causes: Caffeine withdrawal.

Treatment: Ingest a small amount of caffeine, then taper off.


Classic migraine
Similar to common migraine, but preceded by auras such as visual disturbances, numbness in arms or legs, smelling of strange odors, hallucinations.
Excessive dilation or contraction of blood vessels of the brain

FEMALE COMFORT if hormonal caused.

8 3x a day for 3 days cleans head of mucous. See Liver Cleanse (below) - very important.

Fenugreel & THyme

1 every day for prevention.
4 every hour for acute pain


liver toxins are cause of many migraines

Liver Cleanse

10 pkg with 5 days off between each has helped many with headaches

Tiao He Cleanse



Exertion headache
Generalized headache during or after physical exertion such as running or sexual intercourse, or passive exertion such as sneezing or coughing.

Causes: Usually related to migraine or cluster headaches. About 10 percent are related to organic diseases such as tumors or blood vessel malformation.

Treatment: Take nutritional supplements such as SUPER SUPPLEMENTAL apply ice packs at the site of pain.


Super Supplemental


Eyestrain Headache

Usually bilateral, frontal pain.
Causes: Eye muscle imbalance; uncorrected vision, astigmatism.

Treatment: Correct vision.


Fever Headache
Headache develops with fever due to inflammation of blood vessels of the head.
Causes: Infection.

Treatment: Reduce fever, apply ice packs.


Hangover Headache
Migraine-like, with throbbing pain and nausea.
Causes: Alcohol causes dehydration and dilation of blood vessels in the brain.

Treatment: Drink plenty of quality water (Evian or Celtic is fine) and fruit juices. Apply ice to neck.


Hunger Headache
Strikes just before mealtime due to low blood sugar, muscle tension, and rebound dilation of blood vessels.
Causes: Eye muscle imbalance; uncorrected vision, astigmatism.

Treatment: Correct vision.


Eyestrain Headache
Usually bilateral, frontal pain.
Causes: Skipping meals; too-stringent dieting.

Treatment: Eat regular meals with adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates and protein.


Hypertension Headache
Dull, generalized pain affecting a large area of the head and aggravated by movement or exertion.
Causes: Severe high blood pressure

Treatment: Get blood pressure under control


Menstrual Headache

Migraine-type pain shortly before, during, or after menstruation or at midcycle, at time of ovulation

Causes: Variation in estrogen levels.

Treatment: Take supplements of VITAMIN B6 and extra POTASSIUM as well as MAGNESIUM COMPLEX


Sinus Headache

Gnawing, nagging pain over nasal/sinus area, often increasing in severity as the day goes by. Fever and discolored mucus may be present.

Causes: Allergies, infection, nasal polyps, food allergies. Often caused by blocked sinus ducts or acute sinus infection.

Treatment: Increase intake of VITAMIN A use moist heat to help get sinuses to drain....and VITAMIN C Also SINUS SUPPPORT


Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Headache

Temporal, above-ear, or facial pain; muscle contraction of one side of face; clicking or popping of jaw; neck or upper back pain; temple pain upon awakening.

Causes: Stress, malocclusion (poor bite), Jaw clenching, Gum chewing.

Treatment: Reduce stress; use relaxation techniques, biofeedback, nutritional supplements such as SUPER SUPPLEMENTAL & ice packs.

Our Suggestion

Super Supplemental

Tic Douloureux

Short, jabbing pains around the mouth, jaw, or forehead. More common in women over 55 years old.

Causes: Unknown.
Take NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Our Suggestion

Ultimate GreenZone Powder


Temporal Headache

Jabbing, burning, boring pain; pain in temple or around ear on chewing; weight loss; problems with eyesight. Usually seen in people over 55.

Causes: Inflammation of temporal arteries.

Treatment: Correct vision.


Tension Headache

Constant pain, in one area or all over the head; sore muscles with trigger points in neck and upper back; lightheadedness, dizziness. The most common type of headache.

Causes: Emotional stress, anxiety, worry, depression, anger, food allergies, poor posture.

Treatment: Apply ice packs on neck and upper back; take supplements of C WITH BIOFLAVONOIDS, bromelain, MAGNESIUM COMPLEX


Homeopathic Support

Adults 5 drops orally, 3 to 5 times daily or as otherwise directed.
If symptoms persist for more than 7 days consult a healthcare professional.
Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.

A pain anywhere in the head, acute or chronic, frontal, temporal, occipital, dull or throbbing, may be an indicator of an underlying health disorder.
There are numerous causes: toxins, allergies, infections, nutritional deficiencies, tension, colon abnormalities, liver disorders, hypertension, spinal misalignment, pharmaceuticals, to name a few. For chronic headaches we encourage you to detoxify. Visit our Detoxification page on this site..


  May help to alleviate allergic responses from food, environmental exposures or reactions that induce redness, itching, swelling, heat, skin blotching or sudden headache.

  Relief of symptoms due to tension and pressure of the head, headache.

  Detoxification of the elimination centers
Sudden desire to urinate, lowered metabolism, cough, dry and croupy abdominal bloating, constipation, alternating with diarrhea, muscle stiffness, soreness, pain and general detoxification.


Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.