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Product ID 288
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Feverfew Conc. (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $41.65

[288] (60)
May bring relief from migraine headaches.
Chrysanthentum parthenium.

Users of this product have reported that regular use of feverfew can reduce the severity and frequency (not cure) of migraine headaches in most sufferers (especially where applying warmth to the head helps). 
High-potency feverfew tablets are three time as potent as the previous feverfew concentrate softgels.

Each tablet provides 200 mg of high potency feverfew and 800 mcg of the major active component parthenolide.
This level enables you to take only one tablet per day. If you're using feverfew, it's probably for migraines. If you're using feverfew for migraines, use the High Potency product.
Feverfew may also relieve painfully active inflammatory arthritis. It inhibits release of histamine from most cells and may help allergies.
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