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The best investment for your later years!
Healthy Foods: High-Yield Preferred Stock
By Steven Horne

stcksThe most important health investment you will ever make is in purchasing healthy food. Dr. Bernard Jensen used to tell his wife to spend money on healthy food because if you don’t you’ll wind up spending more on doctor bills.

Even if you are on a tight budget, food is not the place to cut corners. Sure, white bread and white flour pasta are cheaper than their whole grain counterparts, but is this really a bargain? No, because whole grains will fill you up faster and you’ll eat less and get better nutrition at the same time.

So, don’t fall prey to the hawkers of the Cheap Food Money Saving Scheme. Like so many scams, it looks appealing on the surface, but you’ll lose in the long run. In this case, you may not lose your life savings, but you will lose your mental clarity, your energy your health and maybe even your life. It’s not worth it.

Believe it or not, you can actually eat healthy and save money at the same time. How? Skip the sodas, chips. frozen TV dinners and other processed convenience foods and learn how to prepare whole, natural foods yourselves. Purchase a lot of fresh organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas. lentils and nuts. These foods are surprisingly inexpensive and very filling.

Use olive oil, coconut oil, organic butter and cream for fats. The most expensive part of eating healthy will be purchasing organic grass-fed eggs, meat, dairy and poultry. However, you’ll be healthier if you eat smaller portions of these foods anyway.

Generally speaking 3-4 ounces (1/4 pound) of animal protein is sufficient at any meal. I learned the real price of cheap food and the real value of natural foods many years ago when I was financially struggling with my young family after graduating from college. I had been unable to find the kind of job I wanted to support my wife and child, and wound up getting assistance from my church. They provided us with some food, but most of what they provided was white flour products, canned goods and other processed foods.

My wife and I tried to utilize the best parts of this offering, but our health suffered as a result. When I got a little extra money, we went to the grocery store and bought organic fresh fruits and vegetables. As soon as we started to eat them, I could see a difference in our health and energy. More importantly, I noticed that I was able to think more clearly, which also helped me resolve our problems. I have never tried to save money by eating low quality food since that time.

Nutritional Supplement Health Insurance Policy
When we purchase insurance we are buying something that we may or may not need. We don’t want to get into an accident and total our car or have our house burn to the ground, but we purchase insurance so we won’t be financially devastated if these things happen.

Using supplements for prevention of disease is a similar investment. We may or may not need them, but they can help our health from being devastated by unforeseen problems.

Of course, our first investment should always be in quality food, but in our modern world finding quality food isn’t easy un less you grow it yourself. Produce typically spends two weeks in cold storage before it arrives on the supermarket shelf. There is a significant loss of nutritional value during this time.

Not all food we get is organically grown and even organically grown food can be grown in soil that hasn’t been properly cared for. Locally-grown food that is not organic often has more nutritional value.

The bottom line is that it makes sense to supplement one’s diet with herbs and nutrients that help insure we are getting the nutrition our bodies need to stay healthy. Like an insurance policy. we may or may not need it, but it improves our ability to bounce back when we experience difficulties.


There are seven basic supplements that my research suggests most people might benefit from.

You may or may not need any particular one of these seven, but they are the place you should begin.

I’d start with a good whole food supplement. Many people start with a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, but in my personal experience, supplements using whole nutrients work better.

NSP’s Ultimate GreenZone is a great example of a whole food supplement and there are others in the marketplace you can also consider. A whole food supplement will not only give you extra vitamins and minerals, it will also provide numerous phytochemicals for which science has not yet determined the nutritional value.

For elderly people, I often recommend taking two tablets of Mega-Chel daily in place of a multiple vitamin. This seems to do wonders for maintaining good circulation and general health.

I’d also consider taking some kind of trace mineral supplement. A few to consider include HSN-W, Ionic Minerals or Mineral Chi Tonic. Even the best diets are lacking in trace minerals due to our poor agricultural practices.

Most diets are also deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids. If you don’t eat organic grass-fed meat and dairy products or deep ocean fish (farm-raised salmon doesn’t count) on a regular basis, you should probably take flax seed oil, cod liver oil or Omega-3 EPA.

If you don’t eat yogurt with live bacteria or other cultured foods daily, you should also consider a probiotic supplement like Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotic Eleven.

A fiber supplement is essential for most people to maintain both colon health and general health. Just taking a heaping teaspoon of Psyllium Hulls Combination or Everybody’s Fiber, once a day can make a big difference in your health. However, be sure to accompany each serving with a large glass of water.

Most people in our society don’t have enough enzymes be cause they eat mostly cooked food. Hence, enzyme supplements are another basic nutrient many people need. Enzymes become even more critical as we grow older as our body’s production of enzymes and hydrochloric acid tend to diminish with age. Therefore, enzyme supplements like Food Enzymes are basically essential for most people over 50.

The final basic supplement t add to your health insurance policy is some forms of antioxidants. Naturally present in fresh organic fruits and vegetables, antioxidants reduce inflammation and free radical damage, the underlying cause of most chronic and degenerative diseases associated with aging. Thai Go is a great choice for an antioxidant supplement because it is so pleasant- tasting and easy to take.

Super ORAC: NSP's Super ORAC supplement combines ingredients known to quench free radicals, including decaffeinated green tea leaves, mangosteen pericarp extract, turmeric root, quercetin, resveratrol, apple extract, acai berry concentrate and selenium. With Super ORAC it's easy to add antioxidants to your battle plan for achieving health, vitality and longevity.

or Super Antioxidants as this supplement has the power of antioxidants which are gaining more and more credibility for their ability to neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants can help repair and prevent damage to cells and genetic material. Super Antioxidant has vitamin E tocorrienols, lycopene, alpha lipoic acid, rose hips, milk thistle and turmeric.

So, if you want to help ensure your good health. invest first in high quality food and then, if your budget allows, take out some added insurance by selecting a few appropriate supplements.

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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.