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Product ID 1825
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Super Antioxidant (60 caps)

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Price: $55.20

This supplement has the power of antioxidants which are gaining more and more credibility for their ability to neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants can help repair and prevent damage to cells and genetic material. Super Antioxidant has vitamin E tocorrienols, lycopene, alpha lipoic acid, rose hips, milk thistle and turmeric.

Like vitamins A and D, vitamin E tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin. It can be found primarily in the oily portion of whole grains, seeds and beans. Vitamin E tocorrienols are naturally derived from palm oil, rice bran and wheat germ oil. Their unique molecular makeup allows them to scavenge free radicals within circulating lipoproteins even more efficiently than vitamin E tocopherols.

Alpha lipoic acid is known as the universal antioxidant because it is both fat and water soluble. Therefore, it is easily absorbed and transported across cell membranes. This property allows it to penetrate every portion of the cell in the fight against free radicals. An abundance of research has shown that it has the ability to inhibit replication of HIV and other viruses, protect the liver and other organs, remove heavy metals, and also prevent damage from radiation. It works cooperatively with vitamins C and E to maximize anti-oxidant effects.

Lycopene is a cartenoid which gives red fruits and vegetables their deep red color. The lycopene from tomatoes is used in this product because of its effective antioxidant properties. Its long-chain molecular structure is more effective at quenching free radicals than any other carotenoid. It has also been linked to promoting optimal prostate function in men.

Rose hips are a natural source of vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids. In parts of Europe rose hip syrup has long been a popular tradition forkeeping the immune system strong enough so infections don't start. Rose hip tea is excellent for treating present infections.

Milk thistle contains a chemical substance called silymarin, which protects the liver from damaging toxins. It stimulates the growth of new cells, thereby promoting healthy self-repair. For this reason it is now recognized as one of the most beneficial medicinal plants known to human kind.

Tumeiric contains curcumin, which also protects liver tissue and may, support healthy cholesterol levels in the body. Scientists in China and Russia who have tested turmeric ont animals have found it to promote bile secretion, increase appetite, lower blood pressure, alleviate pain, stimulate the uterus, and reduce inflammation and edema.

A daily antioxidant supplement may help slow oxidative damage, caused by sunlight, environmental toxins, exercise, stress and other factors.

To protect your body from free radical damage, take two capsules daily with a meal.

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