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Product ID 808
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Super ORAC Antioxidant (90 caps)

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Price: $65.60
What exactly can Super ORAC do for you?

The Fight against Radicals
Each day, our bodies' cells require energy to carry out their essential functions, and oxygen creates that energy. The process, however, leaves behind a byproduct called a free radical. If free radicals are not scavenged quickly, they can cause oxidative stress, which, over time, damages our cellular make up including DNA.

While free radicals are generated naturally in the body, other sources can increase their number. Additional free radicals can be generated by stress, poor nutrition, pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, elevated cholesterol levels, high blood sugar levels and even exercise. Each of these can take a toll on the body's systems. Luckily, we have a powerful ally in the fight against oxidative stress.

Antioxidants are the body's natural defense against free radicals. Think of them as scavengers-scouring our systems and "mopping up" free radicals before they have a chance to harm cells.

NSP's Super ORAC supplement combines ingredients known to quench free radicals, including decaffeinated green tea leaves, mangosteen pericarp extract, turmeric root, quercetin, resveratrol, apple extract, acai berry concentrate and selenium. With Super ORAC now available on its own or as part of Super Trio, it's easy to add antioxidants to your battle plan for achieving health, vitality and longevity.

Recommended Usage:
Take one to two capsules twice daily with meals.

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