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Product ID paintrio
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Pain Relief Trio Tei Fu Oil, Lobelia, Capsicum

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Price: $62.00

Pain relief trio made of: lobelia, capsicum and Tei Fu Oil.
I have used (Steven Horne) these three remedies for all kinds of injuries and pain, including backache, neck and shoulder pain, headaches and strained muscles from over exertion.


Start by mixing equal parts of lobelia extract and capsicum extract and applying them topically to the affected area.

Lobelia eases muscle spasms and cramps and capsicum draws healing blood to the area.
Capsicum also contains the pain-relieving substance capsaicin, which blocks pain receptors.

After massaging this in to loosen tense muscles and ease the pain, you follow it with an application of Tei Fu Oil or Tei Fu Recovery Lotion.

This completes the analgesic effect and appears to drive the lobelia and capsicum deeper into the tissues. It also creates a more sustained effect.

(By Steven Horne)

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