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Product ID 475
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Nopal (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $24.95
Pancreas and liver support for blood sugar regulation.

Nopal is prickly pear cactus.
NSP's Nopal combination includes both Opuntia ficus-indica and Opuntia streptacantha.
Nopal is used as food in Mexico. The inside flesh is soft, gel-like, highly nutritious and a good source of vitamin C.
It contains pectin, mucilage and gums that absorb the dietary fat. This may reduce the amount that is absorbed by the intestines and enters the bloodstream.
Nopal is especially beneficial for the liver and the pancreas. These two organs work together to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol.
Native American Indian traditions include use as a lung remedy and heart tonic.
It has been used to reduce inflammation and increase the flow of urine.
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