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Product ID 340
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Goldenseal (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $53.10

Hydrastis canadensis
Goldenseal root is a rapidly effective, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, healing tonic with numerous uses.
It is frequently used with damaged or infected tissues including the eyes, mouth and throat.
Goldenseal is one of the top-selling herbs in America and is in short supply.
Barberry contains one of the same active ingredients (berberine but not hydrastine) that is present in golden seal.
Because golden seal is in such short supply, barberry is a much more economical source.
Goldenseal does NOT mask urine tests for drugs. This wrong idea comes from the plot of John Uri Lloyd's Stringtown on the Pike.
Goldenseal should be used with caution by hypoglycemic's because it is known to lower blood sugar levels.
Also, some herbalists warn of potential overdose problems. This misinformation dates back to a comment in American Medicinal Plants (1892, Milspaugh) that was quoted out of context. Ref: Steven Foster's booklet on Goldenseal (American Botanical Council).
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