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Product ID 3395
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Oregon Grape (2 fl. oz.) (ko)

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Price: $40.60

(2 OZ.)
Cleansing infection fighter especially for skin problems.
Berberis Aquifolium
Oregon grape is an important herb that has been forgotten and over looked.
However it is a powerful antibiotic that deserves respect.
Oregon grape is best known as a lymphatic and liver-stimulating blood cleanser.
It is particularly effective for skin diseases which often occur when metabolic acids build up in the body. It helps restore the skin to smooth clear condition.
Oregon grape contains both berberine and hydrastine which are effective against infections (including staph infections). These are two important components of golden seal.
Oregon grape can be used as a substitute for golden seal.
It is used both internally and externally for chicken pox, acne, skin fungus, eczema and psoriasis.
Oregon grape is claimed to help anemia by releasing iron from the liver.
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