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Product ID 675
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Algin (100 caps)

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Price: $36.45

Bulking agent for appetite control and pollution protection

Sodium alginate is an absorbing fiber that is derived from Pacific brown kelp.
It gels in water.
It can be used by dieters to provide a feeling of fullness.
Its bulking action encourages normal elimination.

Its binding action absorbs and helps eliminate heavy metals such as radioactive Strontium 90 which may be present in some foods. (Strontium 90 is a special problem because it binds with calcium, goes to bone and damages marrow.)
It is also a protection from other modern day pollutants, carcinogens and toxins.

Recommended Usage:
Take two capsules three times daily between meals.
Drink two glasses of juice with each serving.

Amount Per 2 Capsules:
Sodium Alginate (from brown seaweed) 950 mg*
*Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, and water.
Each capsule contains not more than 40 mg sodium.
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