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Product ID 670
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Slippery Elm (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $22.90
Soothing, healing nutrient for soft tissues.
Ulmus fulva

Slippery elm bark is mild-flavored and very nutritious, it has a food value similar to oatmeal.

It expands and should be taken with plenty of water.
It is a contact healer for inside and outside that coats, soothes and heals irritated or inflamed tissues including hemorrhoids, ulcers, burns and sore throats.

It is a mild bulk laxative that absorbs toxins from the bowel.
Actually, it is also used for simple wounds and for broken or infected bones.
Slippery elm and marshmallow are very similar.

For babies or debilitated persons, slippery elm can be made into heating gruel.
It can be added to formula to help the milk to digest.
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