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Product ID 440
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Marshmallow (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $27.05
Healing, soothing soft tissue repair herb.
Althea officinalis

Marshmallow root is a classic cooling and wetting herb for conditions that are hot and dry.
It has been used since ancient Greece for bronchitis, whooping cough, dysentery, cystitis, incontinence, etc.
Other internal uses include inflammatory stomach and bowel problems, lung irritations, urinary tract infections, swollen joints--and it even increases and enriches mother's milk.

Like slippery elm, it will absorb poisons and reduce inflammation including ulcerations and wounds that won't heal.

It is used externally for abscesses, boils and even varicose veins.
Marshmallow is a common edible plant.
Although the root is usually sold, the entire plant can be eaten.
The leaves are also used for poultice and teas.
It is high in minerals, especially calcium and oxygen which is needed for healing. Modern "marshmallow" confections are now only air-puffed sugar.

According to Mr. Steven Horne:
The famous herbalist Pliny said, “ Whosoever shall take a spoonful of marshmallow, shall that day be free of all disease that may come to him. Pliny had good reason for making such a strong statement. Marshmallow is one of the best sources of easily-digested mucilage. Containing about 25-30% of these polysaccharides (mucilage), and about the same percentage of starch allows marshmallow to coat the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, lubricate the joints to protect them against irritation and dryness, and has a general cooling effect on excess heat conditions in the body. Even our own digestive fluids contain a lubricative quality that is reinforced by the mucilage of marshmallow, so that they work harmoniously as a powerful anti-inflammatory, diminishing inflammation of the kidneys and bladder,
shrinking swollen glands and infected wounds, moistening dry stools and chronic constipation. Because the mucilage is not absorbable, it can then carry toxins from the bowel.

Externally applied, marshmallow is excellent in cases of fire, acid or alkali burns, or successful in treating acne or other irritating skin problems. When combined with a little bit of cayenne, a marshmallow poultice can draw out serious infections such as gangrene and blood poisoning.

Here are some of the conditions marshmallow has been used for. The more common uses are highlighted in bold type:
Bed wetting, nosebleeds, blood in stool or urine, increase and enrich breast milk, bronchitis, cholera, coughs, cystic fibrosis, diarrhea, dryness, emphysema, enteritis,inflammation, eye irritation, gangrene, gonorrhea, kidney stones, ulcers, kidney and bladder inflammation, vomiting and whooping cough.
It is most commonly used as a remedy to soothe the bowels, the kidneys and the lungs.

Marshmallow leaves can be added to salads as a soothing and nutritious vegetable. The roots and leaves of the fresh plant can be prepared as a mild, nourishing food to strengthen persons who are weak and sickly. In capsulated form the dosage is typically three to twelve capsules daily. To make into a liquid form simmer one ounce of the dried leaves or roots or two ounces of the fresh leaves and/or roots in a pint of water for about twenty minutes. Strain and sweeten with a little honey if desired. Refrigerate or add 50% glycerine as a preservative. Marshmallow also makes a great herb for a sweat lodge or sweat bath.
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