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Product ID 190
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Chamomile (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $30.15

The relaxing sleepy-time herb.
Matticatia chamomilla (German chamomile)
Chamomile flowers combine the best characteristics of refreshing, relaxing and cleansing.
It contains the relaxing amino acid tryptophane. Chamomile is the most popular herb tea flavor in the world. Its oils are also anti-anti-inflammatory and antibacterial and contain beneficial flavonoids.
People dependent on chemical stimulants (including caffeine and sugar) will find that chamomile is a relaxing tonic for jangled nerves.
By relaxing smooth muscle contractions, chamomile can ease GI (Gastro Intestinal) irritations as well as stomach and menstrual cramps.
By soothing inflamed tissues, it can also cool canker sores and skin irritations.
NSP sells German chamomile. Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile -Anthemis nobilis) is similar and is also widely cultivated.
Chamomile may cause allergic reactions in persons sensitive to ragweed or daisies.
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