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Product ID 140
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Burdock (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $33.30
Rid the body of acidic, inflammatory pain
Arctium lappa
Burdock root is used by the Chinese to eliminate excess nervous energy, sweat out toxins and cool infections (reduce Yang).
In western herbalism, it is a primary herb in "blood purifier" formulas as well as arthritis and respiratory combinations.
It gradually builds up the system, especially the health of the liver and skin.
Use when there is a lot of white in the iris of the eye showing a general over-acid condition.
This leads to allergy reactions, skin eruptions as well as joint and muscle pain.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties are helpful for endometriosis inflammation and water retention, as examples. Improved kidney function helps rid calcification deposits.
Burdock is commonly consumed as a wild vegetable food,
A 1978 medical journal report of a toxic reaction titled Burdock Root Tea Poisoning was based on misidentification of the plant.

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You can also visit this page regarding "Blood Purifiers" as well as "Homeopathic Detoxifiers" and "Detox Herbal Products"
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