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Product ID 1372
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Pau D'Arco 7 oz.

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Price: $40.60
  • Stengthens and supports the immune system.
  • Fortifies against foreign invaders.

How It Works:
The pau d'arco tree grows in the rain forests of Brazil. Unlike other trees in its midst, pau d'arco does not develop fungus growth, even though it grows in the most lush tropical rainforests in the world. Pau d'arco contains a chemical called lapachol, which may account for the herb's traditional use in strengthening and supporting the immune system.

Pau d'arco inner bark. Liquid herb contains extract of inner bark.

Recommended Use:
Bulk/tea: Add 1 tablespoon to 2 pints boiling water and remove from heat. Steep for 20 minutes and strain. Makes 4 cups.
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