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Product ID 1360
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

E-Tea (100 caps) (ko) or Etea

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Price: $39.95

E-TEA [1360]

Essiac Tea formula in capsule form to "purify and balance"
The Essiac tea formula is reputed to curb the growth of tumors.

The formula was provided to Rene Caisse in 1922 by a Canadian Ojibwa Indian medicine man who claimed that it would purify and balance her body.
Rene recovered from breast cancer and lived to 90. ("Essiac" is "Caisse" backwards.)
E-Tea should be widely used to aid cleansing and balance and not reserved for tumors.

Rene Caisse worked with doctors to perform research and provided the tea to their patients in the United States and Canada. In 1938 the Ontario legislature attempted to pass "an act to authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions resulting therefrom," This was heavily resisted by the medical profession and failed to pass by 3 votes.
For more information read the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas and Nature's Field Nov/Dec 1992, pages 8, 9, 16. The formula was a secret until 1986.


Burdock root, sheep sorrel herb, turkey rhubarb root and slippery elm bark, The original formula was very complicated and time consuming.
E-Tea is always ready in a powdered, ready-to-use, finished form.
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