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Product ID 1224
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Thyroid Activator (100 caps)

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Price: $22.90
Kelp and watercress - natural iodine sources.

Thyroid tonic from Dr. John Christopher.
When the fire is going out of life, boosting the thyroid will boost metabolism which will boost energy.
THYROID ACTIVATOR has been used with debility and convalescence where individuals are uninterested and humorless. Thyroid deficiency can lead to the development of goiter.

THYROID ACTIVATOR has been used when there is enlargement of the thyroid, prostate, lymph and other glands.
The herbs supply abundant trace minerals, especially iodine. Although cough is listed in historical uses, if lung or sinus congestion.

Irish moss, kelp, black walnut, parsley, sarsaparilla, watercress, Iceland moss.
1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
- 1/29/2017
Within a week after I started taking this product the goiter (enlarged thyroid) I had for the last few years disappeared! The Endocronologist wanted to cut out my thyroid. No, thank you! I was given other products by holistic practitioners, that did noread more

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