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Product ID 836
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Nature's Chi TCM Conc. (30 caps) or Nature chi or Naturechi

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Price: $49.95
Nature's Chi TCM Concentrate [Glandular, Immune, Circulatory] is an ephedra-free blend of 15 herbs designed to be invigorating, to reduce the body's desire to eat and to boost immunity and blood circulation by improving the flow of internal energy, or chi. Nature’s Chi can also support cellular energy levels and energize the body during physical activity without causing nervousness or insomnia. This combination is a Chinese TCM concentrate blend of:
Astragalus root
Tang-kuei root
Fo-ti root
Eleuthero root
Cinnamon twig
Peony root without bark
Forsythia fruit
Gardenia fruit
Panax ginseng root
Hoelen sclerotium
Mint leaves
Schizonepeta flower
Scute root
Siler root
Licorice root
Take 1-2 capsules twice daily between meals.
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