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Product ID 720
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Valerian Root (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $24.95

Relaxant for nervous anxiety and muscle spasms.
Valriana officinalis

Valerian root is a strong herbal nervine.
It has been used as a calmative, sedative and antispasmodic with problems such as anxiety, nervousness, hysteria, cramping and convulsions.
Helps bring sleep when there is no stimulus such as itching.
Valerian is also a pain reliever and has helped nervous headaches.
Valerian works best where the nervous user is "cold." Otherwise it can have the opposite effect intended.
Hops should be used if the user is "hot", red-faced, excited or has a fast pulse.
Valerian smells like old socks, but cats like it.
Long term use in large doses can result in melancholy and depression.
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