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Product ID 70
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Bee Pollen (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $27.05
A true gift from Mother Nature, contains many essential nutrients.

As bees forage, the pollen mixes with nectar and accumulates in yellow granules on the bees' legs. It is an excellent nutritional supplement for enhancing immunity and, with its strong nutritional profile, for providing energy.

Bee pollen contains up to 35 percent complete protein, 22 amino acids, a rich storehouse of B vitamins, 27 mineral salts, trace elements and several enzymes.

Greeks called it the "nectar of the gods."

Many performance and endurance athletes use it before workouts and competition.
NSP Bee Pollen is naturally dried to preserve vital enzymes.

Herbal Dietary Supplement
  • Food With Balanced Vitamins and Minerals
  • Energy Food
  • Respiratory Health

Recommended Usage:
Take two capsules with a meal twice daily.
Amount Per 2 Capsules:
Bee Pollen 900 mg*
*Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Gelatin and water.
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