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Product ID 630
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Saw Palmetto (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $23.90
Hope for small breasts and large prostates?
Serenoa serrulata

Saw palmetto berries are important in glandular strengthening and toning combinations.

It is considered a tonic for the whole body.
It strengthens the thyroid which controls overall glandular function.
It also strengthens digestion, the lungs and other tissues that are damaged by debilitating, wasting or chronic diseases.
It is an aid for diabetics.

In men, it is used for impotence, sterility, underdeveloped testicles and enlarged prostate.

In women it is used for infertility, lack of stamina, ovarian dysfunction and underdeveloped breasts.

Remember that many traditional uses of saw palmetto have not been scientifically proven.

One component of saw palmetto is a precursor of cortisone. The body may be able to use it to regulate the metabolism of foods and fluids that provide energy and reduce inflammation.
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