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Product ID 60
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Bayberry (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $43.70

Myrica cerifera

Bayberry bark is an important stimulating tonic, astringent herb.
It helps tighten tissues including the organs, skin and digestive tract.
Bayberry is an astringent that contracts swollen tissue, helping to reduce eye inflammation and redness. This combination of herbs has been used for eye problems like cataracts, conjunctivitis, blood shot eyes, glaucoma ' pink eye and styes. The famous herbalist Dr. John Christopher used this formula with the addition of capsicum to restore failing eyesight.
Bayberry has an antibacterial action as well that makes it good for treating minor infections. It can be made into a tea or diluted tincture for topical use or as a gargle.
The tea has also been used as a douche for various minor female problems. It is contraindicated for active inflammations. Herbalist Steven Home reports using the powder (snuffed up nose) for sinus congestion.
He says that it is immediately effective but produces a temporary flash of blinding pain.
Bayberry was an important part of Samuel Thompson's herbal "Composition Tea" formula for colds, flu and fevers.
NSP used to market this formula as HCP-X.
Bayberry is used for diarrhea.
It contains myricitrin (an antibiotic chemical) to kill bacteria and also astringent tannins to shrink tissues.

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