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Product ID 430
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Lobelia (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $31.20
LOBELIA Lobelia inflata
Muscle-relaxing respiratory and lymphatic stimulant.
[consider Blue Vervain if an alternative is needed]
Lobelia is a "smart" balancing herb that has, over time, been recommended for nearly every complaint. Its relaxing, antispasmodic, expectorant qualities make it ideal for clearing the lungs and lymph system.

"Smart" means that lymph congestion might be cleared to the bowels in strong individuals or directly to the surface in weaker ones.

Larger doses can bring on nausea which, when the lungs are clearing and wastes accumulate in the stomach, seems a good idea (unless you are too weak).
This is cleansing; not a reaction to "poison".

Lobelia is a muscle relaxant.
The liquid extract is used to stop asthma attacks, severe coughing or convulsions.

It can be mixed l:l with capsicum extract as an "herbal alignment" for back muscles.

Lobeline is similar to nicotine and is used to reduce the desire for tobacco while the root of the herb helps to clear the lungs.
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