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Product ID 4202
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

DHEA-F (Women) (100 caps) or DHEAF

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Price: $51.00
Synthetic form of adrenal hormone precursor that declines with age DHEA stands for dehydroepiandrosterone, a human "master" pre-hormone substance that the body makes in the adrenal glands.

Supplemental DHEA is used by the body over a period of several hours to produce other hormones to balance the body's control systems.
The body seems to be able to use supplemental DHEA beyond what the body manufactures on its own.
It can enhance insulin sensitivity and immune system function.

Our levels of DHEA start to decline at about age 25 until at age 75 they are down to 10 - 20% of peak-
People who use DHEA report feelings of youthfulness, improved mental acuity and muscle definition.
This has led to headlines such as "DHEA! The Closest We Can Get, Today, to a Fountain Of youth," Julian Whitaker, MD.-, Health & Healing, June 1992.

Don't take extra, More is not better.
Too much for too long can cause hormone imbalances leading to side effects including breast enlargement in men and "beer bellies" in women.

DHEA-F contains 25 mg DHEA in a base of wild yarn, false unicorn and chaste tree: all frequently used by women in mid-life.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Capsule
Amount Per Capsule
DHEA 25 mg* - Proprietary Blend 327 mg* - Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea villosa) - False Unicorn Root and Rhizome (Chamaelirium luteum) - Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus castus)
*Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Cellulose (plant fiber), gelatin, and water.

Do not use this product if you are pregnant, lactating, or taking any prescription medication.
Use before menopause is discouraged. Persons suffering from any disease or health condition should consult a health care provider before using this product.
Discontinue use if facial hair, acne, or any other undesirable effects develop.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Miscellaneous Information:
DHEA-F was developed to provide daily benefits for women pursuing a healthier lifestyle.
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a naturally-occurring steroid nutrient produced in the adrenal (cortex) gland, is converted to important and essential hormones in the body, ensuring good health; natural production declines with age. DHEA-F, with beneficial herbs, supplements your body’s naturally produced DHEA.
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