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Product ID 410
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Kelp (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $19.75

High-mineral seaweed that regulates metabolism. "Gift from the sea"
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Kelp is a nutritive Pacific seaweed that is very high in minerals (over 30) including iodine.

The minerals provided nutrients required for body-regulating enzymes.
Iodine is important for thyroid disorders (both overactive and underactive) and obesity. Iodine feeds the thyroid which controls metabolism. Thus kelp is used for weight loss and as a supplement for pregnancy.
Kelp is believed to strengthen the heart and brain.

Kelp contain a viscous fiber called algin.
Algin absorbs most nutrients as well as toxins from the digestive tract. This reduces both caloric intake and toxins entering the circulatory system.
Alginic acid binds and removes radioactive strontium 90 from the body.

Note: Atlantic kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) is also sold as "Kelp".
The properties of both kelps seem to be similar.

1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
Thyroid help
- 10/28/2015
Excellent for some thyroid issues

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