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Product ID 390
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Horsetail (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $24.95

Equisetum arvense
Stock No: 390
Quantity: 100 Capsules
Amount: 360 mg each

Horsetail is a diuretic and astringent that has been used to help control incontinence including bed wetting - it both strengthens the bladder and eliminates water.
It is a good "spring cleaning" detoxification herb.
There is evidence that horsetail builds the immune and nervous systems. It is recommended for urinary tract infections. Horsetail contains a very high amount of silicon (and high calcium) in a bioavailable form. This makes it a very popular in formulas to build and provide elasticity to bones, hair, skin, nails and teeth.

Horsetail may be a possible remedy for senility. Senility often occurs when there is more aluminum in the blood than silicon. One theory suggests that when the silicon and aluminum levels are balanced, the symptoms of senility will disappear.

Fractured bones heal much faster when horsetail is taken. It is an interesting connection that it often has unusually high levels of gold and is used in Europe as a treatment for arthritis.
Although there is some concern that mature plants have over-stimulated grazing animals, the young shoots were used as a vegetable by North American Indians. It is often listed as an edible wild plant.
There is no record of harm to humans.

Recommended Usage:

Take two capsules with a meal three times daily.

Amount Per 2 Capsules: Horsetail Herb (Equisetum arvense) 720 mg *
*Daily Value not established
Other ingredients: Kosher gelatin and water.
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