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Product ID 3244
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Calcium-Magnesium, SynerPro (150 tabs)

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Price: $22.90
  • Provides nutrients that support the structural system and aids in the maintenance of teeth, bones, tendons and skin.
  • Supports the maintenance of a balanced pH.
  • May offer benefits to the circulatory system.

Calcium-Magnesium, SynerPro [Vital Nutrition] combination recognizes that each of these minerals depends on the other for proper assimilation in the body. Calcium is essential to the health of bones, teeth and muscles, and it plays an essential role in blood clotting, nerve conduction and many cellular functions.
Magnesium is an integral part of more than 300 enzymes in the body and, with calcium, affects nerve and muscle functions. More than 80 percent of the natural magnesium in grains is lost by removal of the germ and outer layers during food processing.
This product provides nutrients that support and maintain the structural system, supports the maintenance of a balanced pH and supports the circulatory system.

This combination also includes vitamin D, known to facilitate the absorption of calcium, as well as phosphorus, zinc, copper and boron.

Take 2 tablets with a meal twice daily.

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