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Product ID 3156
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Dulse Liquid (2 fl. oz.) (ko)

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Price: $41.65

[Glandular, Immune, Vital Nutrition].
Dulse, Rhodymenia palmata, is a red seaweed that grows on rocks at the low tide line in the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific oceans where currents are strong and the bottom is clean.

The liquid extract of this plant provides several essential minerals, protein and trace elements that help support thyroid gland activity and function.

Dulse provides a natural source of iodine, an essential trace mineral that is needed by the thyroid gland to maintain proper metabolism.

Iodine helps the body regulate temperature, blood cell production, muscle and nerve function and other bodily functions.

Alcohol-free Dulse Liquid comes in a glycerin base and is palatable to the taste.

Each capsule contains:

Each 1 ml serving provides 225 mcg of natural iodine


Supports optimal thyroid gland activity and function
Provides several essential minerals, protein and trace elements.

Recommended usage:
Take 1 ml, approximately 1520 drops (1/4 teaspoon) in water once daily.
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