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Product ID 263
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Echinacea Purpurea (180 caps) (ko)

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Price: $47.90

[263] (180)
Versatile immune system stimulant Essential to the original "Snake Oil" (Meyer's Blood Purifier, 187).
Echinacea root has important antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal actions that primarily build resistance to infections.
At least 2 polysacharides in E. purpurea stimulate T-cell activity 20-30 times more than a pharmaceutical T-cell stimulator.
It has anti-tumor activities and anti-inflammatory cortisone-like effects as well.
Echinacea is considered an expedient treatment for infectious diseases.
It protects the cell-bonding tissues in the body that protect cells from infection.
Parthenium integrifolium is very similar and has been widely sold by many companies as "Echinacea" during the past 50 years although it is not in the Echinacea genus.
NSP corrected their labeling and introduced this true "Echinacea" in 1993.
To make things more confusing, Echinacea augustifolia is also sold as "Echinacea" by some companies but it is not as effective as E. purpurea.
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