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Product ID 258
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Dong Quai (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $37.45
The queen of female herbs - "Female ginseng" Angelica, sinensis.
Dong quai root is an aromatic that has been used for 20 centuries in many Chinese herbal formulas.

It has a reputation for stimulating female reproductive organs and for being a general nerve and organ tonic.
It is considered the "female ginseng" although both are useful to women.
Men sometimes use dong quai for kidney problems and related symptoms including eczema.
It is used in hemorrhages of all kinds.
Dong quai helps to regulate monthly periods (also relieving menopausal hot flashes and cramps) as well as a mother's recovery after childbirth.
It is also used for pernicious anemia because it is high in iron and cobalt (a critical component of vitamin B12).
It is usually used for the 7-10 days of each month when it is needed, rather than continuously.
Avoid using during early pregnancy or abdominal inflammation

Comments from Mr. Steven Horne, RH (AHG)
Dong Quai also known as tang or dang qui, is the queen Of tonics, and may be the most extensively used herb in the world. Around half a billion Women in China alone take this herb daily.
Dong quai is a blood tonic, Which means it is nourishing to the blood and tissues. During their child-bearing years, women lose blood each month and dong quai helps them replenish this loss. It is high in iron and helps improve blood flow, especially to the digestive organs and female reproductive system.
Studies have validated its traditional uses in treating PMS symptoms, including breast tenderness, constipation and dizziness.
It also excels in regulating the period, treating amenorrhea and cramps, but can also be helpful as a tonic for women during and after menopause.
Dose is 2 capsules 2-3 times daily.
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