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Product ID 220
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Chickweed (100 caps) (ko)

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Price: $29.15

The mild mannered mystery
Steliaria media

Chickweed is a mild, soothing, cooling, nutritious herb. It is one of the most common weeds in the world. Its properties are poorly documented and widely debated.

It is, at least, a gentle tonic food and fine poultice. A famous folk use of chickweed is as a remedy for obesity
It contains steroidal saponins that emulsify fats. Many herbalists believe that this activity helps dissolve body fat deposits and fatty tumors. It has been called an appetite depressant.
It is mildly diuretic.

Chickweed certainly contains antibiotic properties that help with respiratory problems such as bronchitis, cough, colds, sore throat and flu.
It may have been used long ago in Europe for tuberculosis. Depending on who you talk to, chickweed is either the most underrated or overrated herb around.

You can put some in My salad anytime!

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