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Product ID 1855
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Lutein (60 caps) (ko)

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Price: $53.10
Lutein for Eye Health

Good Morning America reported that a study conducted at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary found that overindulging in highly processed junk foods may increase the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by more than two-fold.
AMD is the leading cause of blindness and vision impairment in the United States for people over 55.
This study revealed for the first time a link between diet and AMD.

Earlier studies showed a link between a diet rich in dark, leafy green vegetables and overall macular health. And researchers have found that adding vegetables like spinach and kale (high in the phytonutrient lutein) to your diet helps support macular health.

The macula lutea is a yellow spot at the center of the retina (the back of the eye).
When you look at an object, its image is formed on the retina. The concentration of the pigment in the macula decreases with age. Lutein (a carotenoid) helps protect the macula lutea because of its capacity to filter short-wave visible light. It intensifies the yellow color of the macula and promotes lasting eye health.

Due to their antioxidant properties, lutein and zeaxanthin (another carotenoid) have also been shown to help protect the lipid membranes of the macula lutea against oxidation.
Two recent studies show that people with AMD have reported improved vision after supplementing with lutein.

Lutein has also been shown to support breast health and may be of particular importance to women, as women have been shown to store less lutein than men.
Getting more lutein in the diet or through supplementation is especially important for women.
You can bet that Americans will be slow to give up their junk food-even at the price of their vision.
Perhaps we can help fight back with lutein supplementation.

NSP Lutein gives you 10 mg. lutein per capsule.
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