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Product ID 1844
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Super GLA Oil Blend (90 softgel caps)

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Price: $45.80

This super combination of evening primrose, black currant and borage oils provides generous amounts of essential Omega-6 fatty acids (both linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid).
Each softgel contains 130 mg of GLA.

In the body, these can be converted into prostaglandins, thromboxane- and- leukotrienes. The first two of these supports cardio-vascular, digestive, intestinal and urinary health.
The lattermost benefits the respiratory, circulatory and intestinal systems.

Miscellaneous Information
  • Supports Female Health During PMS
  • GLA Plays a Role in Proper Nerve Development and Function
  • Maintains Circulatory System and Liver*

Amount Per Capsule:
Calories 10
Calories from Fat 10 %
Total Fat 1 g
Proprietary Blend 1080 mg
(Each capsule provides 130 mg gamma-linolenic acid)
Evening Primrose Oil (9% GLA)
Black Currant Oil (13% GLA)
Borage Oil (21% GLA)

Other Ingredients:
Gelatin, carob extract, glycerin, and water.

Suggested Use
Take one capsule with a meal three times daily.

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