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Product ID 1782
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Capsicum Extract (2 fl. oz.) (ko)

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Price: $33.30

Capsicum Extract (liquid)
Capsicum (bulk, shaker - only available once a year)
The hot pepper that cools pain. Capsicum Annum, Capsicum frutescens.
Capsicum, is the fruit of peppers. It is an important catalyst herb in most herb formulas except nervines.
Its stimulant effects speed the circulation and aids the absorption and effectiveness of the formulas.
Capsicum is (surprisingly) good for ulcers because it stimulates the protective mucus-forming membranes of the stomach.
It is also high in vitamins and minerals needed for healing.
Capsicum can be applied directly to a wound or swallowed to stop unnatural bleeding or a heart attack in progress. It is one of the most versatile stimulant herbs known.
It is a digestive aid, relieves pain (including shingles, cluster headaches), and itching palms and feet of diabetics.
Consider learning to use capsicum powder in place of salt to help cut cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
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