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Product ID 1686
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Aloe Vera, Freeze Dried (64 caps) (ko)

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Price: $53.10

Quantity: 64 Capsules
Amount: 150 mg (2.31 grains) each

Aloe Vera benefits are many. Aloe Vera is a nutritional storehouse, containing vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, niacinamide, choline and 18 amino acids, in addition to many other nutritional substances. It nutritionally benefits the intestinal system.

Many companies manufacture aloe vera, but many products on the market have lost much of the plant's original benefits due to overprocessing. Beware of aloe vera juice that claims to have no disagreeable taste. Removing this leaves you with a product that is only 10-15 percent aloe vera, at best.

NSP aloe vera is processed in a special way to avoid the loss of essential vitamins, minerals and other constituents. The leaf is filleted; then the green outer portion that contains aloin is removed, leaving the gel that remains in the leaf. The gel remains thick when the leaf is first cut, but after a few minutes, an enzymatic reaction causes it to become liquid and freely run out.

It is this 100 percent pure liquid that NSP collects. To prevent bacterial contamination, we add sodium benzoate as a preservative. Sodium benzoate is effective in very small quantities, and it properly and safely preserves aloe vera juice.

Recommended Usage:
Take one or two capsules with a meal three times daily.

Amount Per 2 Capsules:
Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis) 150 mg*
*Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Cellulose, gelatin, glycerin, and water.
Freeze-drying removes water content while maintaining the full botanical value of Aloe Vera. Notes

Each Aloe Vera capsule is equivalent to one fluid ounce of 100% Aloe Vera gel.
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