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Product ID 1195
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

CardioxLDL (60 caps)

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Price: $65.60
Americans struggle with heart health. Statistics prove it. Many professionals agree that the best approach to maintaining heart health is a holistic one. Quality nutritional supplements combined with diet, activity and stress management can greatly improve how the body addresses cholesterol, blood sugar and energy, all of which can critically impact overall heart health.

The Great Cholesterol Myth
Forget everything you think you know about cholesterol. Forget about HDL and LDL levels being the most important indicators of cardio wellness. Recent discoveries show that oxidized cholesterol is the true offender. Cholesterol becomes oxidized as it is exposed to free radicals within the body. This oxidized cholesterol can affect the healthy function of the circulatory system by creating tiny bumps in the walls of your blood vessels, which can stimulate inflammatory hormones that further aggravate the situation.

The Good News...Solutions Exist
Reducing cholesterol oxidation helps support healthy cardiovascular aging and circulatory function within the heart. Nature's Sunshine's new CardioxLDL formula was specially formulated to address oxidized cholesterol.

Modulates oxidation of LDL cholesterol
Supports healthy cholesterol levels
Features a powerful, proprietary antioxidant blend
Is a clinically studied, exclusive, patent-pending formula

It Works as follows:
Healthy Cholesterol Metabolism Support
Support healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function with CardioxLDL. This unique and powerful herbal formula helps to modulate cholesterol oxidation and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

CardioxLDL combines Citrus bergamia Risso extract with a proprietary blend of high-ORAC antioxidants that help support total cholesterol and triglyceride levels already in the normal range.

It works in part by blocking an enzyme the liver needs to produce LDL cholesterol. This unique combination of Citrus bergamia fruit extract and antioxidants naturally supports healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Bergamot Fruit extract (Citrus bergamia Risso), Turmeric extract, Green Tea extract, Grape Seed extract, Mangosteen Fruit extract.

Recommended Use:
Take 2 capsules with your evening meal.

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