Women have special needs. Their bodies go through cycles
and changes from puberty through the senior years.
While these changes are indeed miraculous, they aren't always
Nature's Sunshine has formulated three new herbal products
to address some of women's unique needs.
Cramp Relief Relax those cramping muscles. Most women experience some degree of cramping during their monthly periods. For
some women, menstrual cramps can be so severe that they
are debilitating. Cramp Relief allows the body to relax
contracted muscles and ease cramping.
Native Americans used the herbs in Cramp Relief to help
ease all kinds of female discomfort. They believed that
menstrual cramping was the body's way of preparing for childbirth.
However, in the case of severe cramps they used these antispasmodic
Cramp Relief contains:
cramp bark, wild yam, black cohosh, lobelia and plantain.
Most of these herbs are antispasmodic, and many of them
support various body systems to help in the management of
menstrual discomfort.
Wild yam supports the female reproductive system.
Black cohosh acts like estrogen and can help lift dark moods
that often accompany female discomfort.
Plantain helps relieve fluid buildup in the pelvic region
that is sometimes associated with menstrual cramps.
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"Health Support For Women"