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Product ID 1050
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

PS II (100 caps)

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Price: $32.95
Prostate and urinary system formula from Stan Malstrom.

A prostatitis and male hormonal formula used to reduce swelling and inflammation.
The herbs in the formula increase circulation and are relaxing and antiseptic.

Black cohosh, licorice, kelp, gotu kola capsicum, goldenseal, ginger, dong quai and Lobelia.

As men grow older there is an increasing tendency for the prostate gland to enlarge, causing difficulties with urination. Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) affects 25-50% of men over the age of 40. Ninety-percent of men over 80 have this problem. (Be sure to have a medical doctor check your condition to rule out prostate cancer.)

PS II is an herbal formula developed by herbalist Stan Malstrom to combat enlargement of the prostate gland and improve urinary flow in men as they get older. It contains plants with phytoestrogens (weak estrogenic compounds in plants), that bind to receptor sites and block dihydrotestosterone, a form of testosterone that encourages enlargement of the prostate. The blend also contains herbs that combat urinary tract infections, swelling of the prostate due to inflammation, and enhance circulation to the genitourinary organs.

The following herbs contribute their benefits to this blend:

Black Cohosh

Found in eastern North America, black cohosh is commonly thought of as a female remedy, but it can also be helpful for men. It is both anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, so it may help to reduce prostate swelling and ease the flow of urine.

Golden Seal

Golden seal has antimicrobial activity and can combat a wide variety of infections such as staph, strep, E. coli bacteria and giardia. This perennial root, native to the moist woods and meadows of eastern North America, soothes irritated urinary passages and helps fight urinary tract infections. It's action on UTIs is mild, however.

Licorice Root

Besides being an adrenal tonic that promotes and prolongs the life of cortisol (an anti-inflammatory hormone), licorice root contains phytoestrogens. It also helps to balance blood sugar levels and sooth irritated tissues.


Commonly known as cayenne or red pepper, capsicum is added to this combination for two reasons. First, it is an effective anti-inflammatory and second, it acts as a catalyst to enhance the effectiveness of other herbs in the formula.


This common seaweed is a significant source of iodine and is a beneficial remedy for strengthening the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones are very important for reproductive health, as they combust the fats that are used to produce androgens and estrogens. Kelp is also rich in trace minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and sulfur.


This spice is an excellent remedy for digestive disturbances. It stimulates circulation in the lower pelvic area, relieving congestion and stagnation.

Gotu Kola

Highly recommended in Ayurvedic medicine as a tonic for longevity, mental alertness, memory and to slow the effects of aging, gotu kola is both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It has a diuretic action and is also useful for treating diseases of the skin.

Dong Quai

Another herb typically thought of as a female remedy, dong quai is helpful for improving blood flow in the pelvic region to relieve congestion and stagnation. It is a valuable herb for anemia and has a nourishing effect on the blood.

Suggested Use

For improving urinary flow, combating urinary tract infections and reducing prostate enlargement and swelling, take 2 to 3 capsules with meals three times daily.

Selected References

The Comprehensive Guide to Nature's Sunshine Products by Tree of Light Publishing
Natural Herbology by Mark Pedersen
The Little Herb Encyclopedia by Jack Ritchason

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