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Product ID bigc7
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Combination of 7

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Price: $295.00

Food Enzymes
Chlorophyll Liquid
Immune Stimulator
Liver Balance TCM
Super Orac
Paw Paw Cell Reg

If using the above combination for a major disease please read the information below

Protect and Strengthen Healthy Cells
This extra-strength, paraben-free formula features a more potent level of chlorophyll-the green pigment in plants responsible for harnessing the sun's energy in photosynthesis.
Known to support your body on both a molecular and cellular level, chlorophyll promotes circulatory, intestinal, digestive and immune health.
Featuring a proprietary chlorophyll complex, this minty fresh formula also helps neutralize body odors and acts as a natural, "internal" deodorant.
Boost your energy and overall well-being!

- Helps promote the natural blood-cleansing functions of the body.
- Promotes circulatory, intestinal, digestive and immune health.
- Protect and strengthens healthy cells
- Encourages balanced pH levels in the body.
- Deodorizes the body, including the bowel. - Paraben free


Immune Stimulator is a powerful new ally in keeping our immune systems healthy. It contains beta-glucan, a substance 200 times more effective at stimulating the immune system than echinacea. Beta-glucan increases general immunity and strengthens resistance to infection by activating immune cells. Its primary action is on macrophages, which devour invading pathogens of all kinds. The other important function of Beta-glucan is to get the various types of cells talking to each other to help create rapid activation of the immune response. Beta-3 talks directly to the immune cells, which rapidly turns those cells into effective war machines. This decreases the time lapse between the enemy's attack and the immune system's response.
Immune Stimulator also contains Arabinogalactan, a substance that increases white blood cell production and activity.

Another ingredient is colostrum, a substance produced in mammals during the first 24-48 hours of nursing to nourish and protect the newborn infant. Human and animal studies have shown that colostrum can enhance the immune system, protect against infectious agents that enter through the digestive system, and aid in tissue repair, while promoting general health and healing of the body. Colostrum has been reported to aid a wide variety of conditions, including lower GI disorders like Crohn's disease, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome; as well as asthma, allergies, heart disease and cancer.

Cordyeeps is a powerful fungi that increases production of those all-important T-cells and B-cells. It also protects genes by helping to repair DNA. Studies show that Cordyeeps may even help the body to suppress tumor cells and slow them down.

Reishi and Maitake mushrooms both help to activate macrophages. Reishi increases natural killer cell activity, restores normal T-cell function, and increases interferon production. Recently, studies of Reishi against five pathogenic viruses have shown Reishi to be an effective antiviral agent. Maitake, another medicinal mushroom, which has been used for centuries to prevent cancer, contains the immuno-modulator beta-D-glucans, one of the most powerful polysaccharides studied in enhancing immune activity.

Immune Stimulator should be a valuable supplement for helping the body overcome cancers, heart disease, AIDS, gastrointestinal conditions and any other immune challenge, including the common cold.

It is important to always take this product on an empty stomach.

Also, any supplements that contain fiber should not be taken at the same time as Immune Stimulator, as they will inhibit its ability to get past the first stages of the digestive system.

Night time is a good time to take this product.

For maintenance: take 2 capsules at night or 1 capsule between meals two or three times daily.
For times of immune system stress, overcoming illness and chronic conditions, take 6-10 capsules daily.


Food Enzymes or PDA Combination can be taken with meals to aid digestion.
Food Enzymes can also be taken between meals to boost immunity, cleanse the GI tract and help fight cancer.


The liver performs its role as food inspector, detoxifier, and gives it the wherewithal to be your own metabolic chemical plant.
After the food has been inspected and detoxified, it is allowed to flow into the body for general circulation.

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body. It performs a large number of functions that are essential to the health of all body systems.
The liver aids in metabolism and digestion, and is a major detoxifying organ, breaking down and neutralizing harmful toxic substances. The liver plays a role in the production of blood-clotting substances and produces much of the body’s cholesterol, which is required for the synthesis of hormones and the maintenance of healthy cell membranes. The liver also aids in controlling blood sugar levels by releasing stored glucose when blood sugar levels fall too low.

This vital organ is susceptible to many diseases and conditions that can impair liver function, some of which include cirrhosis, hepatitis, and cancer. Some causes of liver damage and disease include alcohol, environmental pollutants, medications, and viral infections.

SUPER ORAC (The Fight against Radicals)
Each day, our bodies' cells require energy to carry out their essential functions, and oxygen creates that energy. The process, however, leaves behind a byproduct called a free radical. If free radicals are not scavenged quickly, they can cause oxidative stress, which, over time, damages our cellular make up including DNA.

While free radicals are generated naturally in the body, other sources can increase their number. Additional free radicals can be generated by stress, poor nutrition, pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, elevated cholesterol levels, high blood sugar levels and even exercise. Each of these can take a toll on the body's systems. Luckily, we have a powerful ally in the fight against oxidative stress.

Antioxidants are the body's natural defense against free radicals. Think of them as scavengers-scouring our systems and "mopping up" free radicals before they have a chance to harm cells. NSP's Super ORAC supplement combines ingredients known to quench free radicals, including decaffeinated green tea leaves, mangosteen pericarp extract, turmeric root, quercetin, resveratrol, apple extract, acai berry concentrate and selenium.

Recommended Usage:
Take one to two capsules twice daily with meals.

The Essiac tea formula is reputed to curb the growth of tumors. The formula was provided to Rene Caisse in 1922 by a Canadian Ojibwa Indian medicine man who claimed that it would purify and balance her body.
Rene recovered from breast cancer and lived to 90. ("Essiac" is "Caisse" backwards.)
E-Tea should be widely used to aid cleansing and balance and not reserved for tumors.

Rene Caisse worked with doctors to perform research and provided the tea to their patients in the United States and Canada. In 1938 the Ontario legislature attempted to pass "an act to authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions resulting therefrom," This was heavily resisted by the medical profession and failed to pass by 3 votes.
For more information read the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas and Nature's Field Nov/Dec 1992, pages 8, 9, 16. The formula was a secret until 1986.


Dr. McLaughlin's research showed that various acetogenins were up to 300 times more potent than the anticancer drug Taxol and were less toxic to normal cells. His research also shows that these acetogenins are very safe. In research involving dogs that were fed these compounds, it was found that the dogs threw up before reaching a toxic dose.

Paw Paw Cell-Reg is a standardized extract of acetogenins from the twigs of the American paw paw tree. In a clinical trial involving 94 people with cancer, this standardized extract of paw paw was shown to reduce tumor markers and tumor sizes by inhibiting HIF-1 - mediated hypoxic signaling pathways in the tumor cells. This was accomplished with virtually no side effects.
LA Novel Mechanism for the Control of Clinical Cancer, Jerry L. McLaughlin, PhD., Gina B. Benson, James W. Forsythe, MD, Cancer Screening & Treatment Center of Nevada, Reno, NV, 2002-2003.1

The starting dosage for Paw Paw Cell-Reg is 1 capsule four times daily.
However, many people may tolerate a higher dose, up to 3-4 capsules four times a day. More is not necessarily better, however, as higher amounts may cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, or light headedness. If these symptoms occur, a person should reduce their dose.
For people who are easily nauseated, it may be good to start with 1 capsule per day and gradually work up to a full dose over a period of a couple of weeks.

Paw Paw Cell-Reg is not for cancer prevention and does not work on all forms of cancer. It appears to work best on tumors. A tumor, also known as a neoplasm, is an abnormal mass of tissue which may be solid or fluid-filled. A tumor dos not mean cancer-tumors can be benign (not cancerous), pre-malignant (pre-cancerous), or malignant (cancerous).
Although it can cause fatigue when taken by healthy people, people with cancer typically report having more energy when using Paw Paw Cell-Reg as the tumor cells no longer sap the body of glucose.
Paw Paw Cell-Reg works better when used as part of a comprehensive program for cancer and may be combined with traditional anticancer herbs such as anamu, pau d'arco and burdock.

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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.